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Questions You Should Ask Regarding your Treatment

Gillian Lamb

You’ve finally plucked up the courage to see an Aesthetic Practitioner. You’ve done your research and can see that they are a qualified Nurse, Doctor or Dentist. You’ve checked their on-line reviews and still want to know more.

Here is a list of things you might want to ask:

1. Who will be doing my procedure and what qualifications do they have?

Unfortunately, even professionals can go on a one-day course for anti-wrinkle treatments (botox) and fillers, and believe that they are ready to practise. However, like most professional occupations, it takes years of ‘hands on’ skills and hard studying to get comfortable with the job. Though they may be a qualified Nurse, Doctor or Dentist, they may have only done a small amount of aesthetic work. This surprises many people, but, the aesthetic industry is not regulated and there is no ‘one’ qualification for Practitioners to achieve. Therefore, you need to do your research.

2. Do you do this procedure a lot?

Even health care professionals are dipping in and out of aesthetics. They have their ‘day job’ and like to inject on a ad hoc basis. The more people inject, the better they become.

3. What sort of results should I expect to see?

Honest Practitioners will advise you on alternative treatments if they think you won’t get the desired effect with fillers and botox alone. You may actually need surgery for example, if your upper eye lid is drooping. You may think you need botox to stop you looking tired, but you may actually need cheek fillers. A good Practitioner will tell you what kind of result you can get and why.

4. Will I need anaesthetic or pain relief?

Lots of patients are scared of needles and any kind of pain. This is understandable. However, in my opinion, it’s only when lips are being augmented when topical anaesthetic is required.

5. Can I see photos of other people who have had this procedure?

Patient confidentiality is paramount. However, some patients give written permission to allow their photographs to be shared. Your Practitioner may be able to show you before and after photos.

6. Can I talk to other patients who have had this procedure?

If other patients of your chosen Practitioner are happy to discuss their treatment, I think this is an excellent idea. Indeed, word of mouth recommendation is where most good Practitioners get their patients from.

7. How much does it cost?

A very important question. However, you are actually paying for the ‘hand.’ With that I mean you are paying for the experience of your Practitioner, not how many millilitres of filler you’ve had. For a Practitioner to get to a certain standard in the aesthetic industry, the Practitioner needs to do advanced training and do a lot of studying of the anatomy of the face. Therefore, you’re not just paying for the product and the time the procedure takes. You are paying for their expertise and judgement. Prices vary in different regions for every procedure.

There are many other questions you may need to ask. I will discuss them in more detail on my next blog...

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