This twenty-five-year-old woman came for Botox treatment to prevent lines between her eyebrows (glabella region). On examination, I noticed that she had a very strong masseter muscle which made her lower face look more masculine. My patient said she hated her ‘bone structure.’ I explained that it was not her bone structure causing this problem, but her strong masseter muscle and that this could be corrected using botulinum toxin (Botox) to soften the appearance. I corrected this by placing deep injections of Botox into the masseter muscle. No other treatments were used.
Product used:
Azzalure Botulinum Toxin A
If you feel that this treatment could be beneficial for you, contact me by phone 07889 647700 or email gillian.lamb86@yahoo.co.uk and I’ll be happy to give you a free, no obligation consultation.