What Happens
Your consultation is Free.
After having a chat and getting to know you, I will pass you a hand mirror so you can view your face and to point out your main areas of concern.
Once we have established what you do not like about your face, I will then explain the ageing process to you, so that you will understand which area of your face we need to correct first.
You will be given verbal and written information on the procedure which is right for you. I would urge you to read all the information first before embarking on any treatment.
I will then take a full medical history including any medicines you are taking, any allergies you may have and moreover, any problems you may have with your skin.
I will discuss with you a treatment plan and the cost should you wish to proceed with treatment.
You will never be pressured into any treatment and indeed I will encourage you to go home and think about the proposed treatment plan and for you to do your own research.
I will also advise you of other treatment options available to you, such as, plastic surgery, laser treatments and more invasive skin peels.
If you have a problem that I am unable to treat, I have a network of medical practitioners I trust, that will give you sound advice and treatment. This ensures you will always be in safe hands.